it’s monkey day. to celebrate, why don’t you take my survey?

we here at celebrate monkey day (december 14) religiously (see 2009, 2008, 2007), usually by organizing something or suggesting that others do so.  this year, why don’t you consider celebrating by contributing your response to a survey i’ve constructed?

if you’re a librarian working in an academic setting, then this survey is for you!
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We invite you to participate in a study of research skills and support for research.  You have been invited to this study because you are a librarian in an academic setting.

The purpose of this study is to learn how you would assess your own skills in completing discrete research tasks as well as to discover how your institution may support your research endeavors.  We plan to use the results of this survey to influence the curriculum of a proposed continuing education opportunity for librarians in an academic setting.

The survey is Web-based and is expected to take about 5 minutes to complete.  We will not gather any identifying information about you.

Your participation in the study is completely voluntary and no risks are anticipated for you as a result of participating. The study has been reviewed by the Office of Research and Sponsored Projects at Loyola Marymount University.

Thank you for participating in this study.
Sincerely, Kristine Brancolini and Marie Kennedy


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Make this monkey’s day and take the survey!
monkey icon

About Marie Kennedy

Putting everything into neat piles.
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