keeping current with what’s published in our field

there are lots of gaps in information organization-related research, with topics just waiting to be tackled. how do i know? i read like crazy. here’s how i stay current with what is being published.

i subscribe to several blogs through my bloglines account:

i also put a recurring (every two weeks) appointment (30 min.) with myself in my calendar to check out what’s been published in the last two weeks, indexed at the Web of Knowledge’s Current Contents Connect. i choose the Social & Behavioral Sciences edition, and then choose the Library & Information Sciences discipline. if i have time left over i check out other disciplines. there’s often good, relevant stuff that informs me there too.

so now you know my secrets to staying current. how do you stay on top of the literature? would you suggest i add something to my list?

About Marie Kennedy

Putting everything into neat piles.
This entry was posted in library, management, organization tips. Bookmark the permalink.

2 Responses to keeping current with what’s published in our field

  1. Nadine says:

    I wanted to thank you for turning me onto Informed Librarian. I checked it out and really liked it, and since I’m a new MSLIS student, I signed up at the student rate so I can get the RSS feed. This looks like it will be a great resource (in all my spare time from schoolwork – haha).

  2. Pingback: Organization Monkey » Blog Archive » my new article is available online

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