evernote for organization

i’ve been experimenting with a free online organizational tool called evernote. i’m using it to plan all the details of our trip up the coast of california so that we can have paper-free travels. when you sign up for the service you’ll be given an email address so that you can email stuff to evernote; i used it to forward email confirmations i’d received from hotels so that i had all the confirmations/phone numbers/hotel addresses in one place. i created a spreadsheet of dates and the places we’d be visiting every day; i pasted that into a note in evernote and titled it, ‘trip schedule’. i found a map of napa wineries (a pdf) and dragged it from my desktop into the program.  i used google maps to plan our route and grabbed screen shots of the maps and pasted them into a note in evernote, along with the driving directions.

i’m pleased with how easy the program is to use.  i downloaded the program onto my mac at home, made changes to some notes through the web version, and will plan to access evernote while on the road through my iphone.  lovely!

About Marie Kennedy

Putting everything into neat piles.
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