two-team approach to selecting and implementing an ERMS

In November 2009 I put together a team to evaluate our existing electronic resource management system (ERMS) to determine if it was satisfactory or if we needed to pursue another commercial option.  The first part of the process was completed by Team 1: Evaluation, the second part of the process is happening now by Team 2: Implementation.  Here’s a description of the charge of each Team.

Team 1: Evaluation
Team 1 will be comprised of at least one member from each department identified as a stakeholder, to broadly address electronic resource management needs throughout the library.  Team members will be selected in consultation with department heads.  The departments identified as stakeholders: Acquisitions/Serials, Document Delivery, and Reference.  Other departments may be consulted on an ad hoc basis as decisions affect their work.  The team will be led by the Serials & Electronic Resources Librarian (Acquisitions/Serials dept).  This broad group will develop a list of known commercial ERMS, create a set of criteria by which to evaluate those ERMS, and do an evaluation of the available commercial ERMS.  Our existing ERMS will be included in this evaluation.  If Team 1 determines that our ERMS is sufficient with revision, a report will be forwarded to Team 2 outlining which components of the ERMS need to be addressed.  If Team 1 determines that a different ERMS satisfies more criteria than Serials Solutions, a report will be forwarded to Management Council for consideration.

The timeline for completion of Team 1 work will be six months.

Team 2: Implementation

If Team 1 determines that our existing ERMS satisfies the majority of specified criteria, Team 2 will develop a plan to better use or expand the system through whatever mechanisms are necessary (training, reevaluation of workflows and principles involved with management of electronic resources).

If Team 2 determines that a different ERMS satisfies more criteria than Serials Solutions and Management Council approves action to make the change, Team 2 will be involved in the acquisition of the program and all aspects of its implementation.

Team 2 will be led by the Serials & Electronic Resources Librarian.  The composition of other members of Team 2 will be determined by the findings of Team 1, and will be more narrowly and technically focused.

Team 1 recommended that we move from Serials Solutions (a subscription service) to Innovative ERM (a purchased module that interacts with our library management system).  Team 2 is now in the thick of preparing for the actual implementation of that module.

Breaking this process into two steps was a smart decision, as the questions and concerns of a group charged with evaluation are very different than those of implementation.  I’ll evaluate this whole process after we complete implementation, but it feels as if we’ve made all the right steps so far.

* special note * The seed for a two-team approach to ERMS selection was planted at ER&L 2009, at the session by Sanders and White.

About Marie Kennedy

Putting everything into neat piles.
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  1. Pingback: Organization Monkey » Using a prioritized list of features in the selection of an ERMS

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