preparation and chance

last week our university president gave his annual academic convocation, this year focusing his theme on the library.  specifically, he focused on the new library on our campus, “the william h. hannon library: what is it saying to us?”  he talked about libraries being a “house of chance,” a place in which a prepared mind can be surprised by new ideas.  he quoted a really beautiful passage from elaine scarry’s book, on beauty and being just:

One submits oneself to other minds in order to increase the chance that one will be looking in the right direction when a comet makes its sweep through a certain patch of sky.

he went on to say in his speech that universities and libraries in general strive to create the sort of environment that prepares its users well enough that they will be alert and ready to recognize and absorb new ideas as they come along.

i like the spirit of scarry’s quote, especially in the setting of an academic convocation, because it intends for us to be awed by and embrace surprises.  it gets at what i appreciate most about working in an educational environment; we satisfy the expected goal of the student via instruction but we also provide a setting to explore and appreciate new ideas.

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know your audience: license agreements

one of my job duties is to negotiate license agreements for electronic resources that the library subscribes to. i really like this part of my job. i’ve liked the language of law since my first part-time library position at the law library at the univ of florida. i taught myself a lot while on that job, and learned that contracts can be written beautifully, clearly, and simply.  contracts are an easy concept: here’s what we agree to, here’s what you agree to, here is what we are both bound by, and here’s how we’ll resolve any discrepancies that come up later. why, my lawyer friends, do you make the license agreements i deal with so dark, murky, and one-sided?  didn’t your momma ever tell you to keep your audience in mind when you write? 🙂

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to-do list

to do list

we’ve reached that point in the semester when students have to schedule their sleep!
this to-do list was found on a white board in one of our group study rooms.

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how to use this database

how to use this database

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white boards: evolution

in our new library the group study room walls are called “wall talkers.”  the white walls have a coating which can be written on with special markers.  it’s perfect for taking notes for a group meeting, or working through an idea together.  some people get creative with the use of the boards.



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what I’m reading: Speaking of Books

Timothy Hackman
Speaking of Books… Connecting with Faculty through a Campus Author Series
Electronic Journal of Academic and Special Librarianship
v.10 no.1 (Spring 2009)

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