electronic journal usage statistics

electronic journal usage statistics

Posted in comic, e-resource mgmt | 1 Comment

wondering if i am larry the language nerd

Posted in the grammar doctor checks in | 2 Comments

photos released under a creative commons license

i’m slowly releasing my photographs under a creative commons attribution-noncommercial-share alike 3.0 united states license. this means that you may share/remix as long as you attribute the original work to me, share the resulting remix with a similar license, and don’t use my images for commercial purposes. the decision comes as a result of my work in librarianship, which focuses a lot on sharing and openness. i realized recently that i wasn’t being quite as open with my photographs as i could be, thus this new approach.

find the works at http://marie-kennedy.com or at my flickr page.

if you’d like an archival print of any of the photos, contact me.

Creative Commons License
These works by Marie R. Kennedy are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.

Posted in art, images, OA | 2 Comments

organizing pdfs in itunes

i have trouble sometimes figuring out which is the final version of a manuscript that i’ve submitted.  usually by the time i get to the final version i am so tired of looking at the manuscript that i drag it into some folder and wave goodbye.  this is fine until i need to find that file again, which usually has “_final” in the file name…unless i’ve forgotten to add it.  as fanatical as i am about organizing things, you’d think i’d have come up with an awesome system for wrangling these files.  well, now i have.  i will drag a final pdf copy into itunes.

yes, it really works.  i saved the file as a pdf and dragged it from my hard drive into my itunes library.  the copy resides in the music folder of the library.  there i added myself as the artist, the journal title as the album, create a genre named “manuscript”, and in the comments i put the title of the article.  i can even give the articles a rating, but giving my own articles 5 stars seems a little conceited :).  presto, organized.  i can sort by artist (kennedy) and it pulls up all of my files.  i can double click on the file name and it opens the document in a pdf reader.

nb: this doesn’t work with powerpoint, word, or excel files, just pdf.

thanks a million to dr. dobb’s portal for the idea.

sorted by Artist

sorted by Artist

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books on electronic resource management

Here’s a mini-bibliography of monographs published on the subject of electronic resource management. Happy reading! If you know of one that I’ve left off the list, please leave a comment with the info.

2009. Jones, Wayne (ed.). E-journals Access and Management. Routledge.

2008. Albitz, Becky. Licensing and Managing Electronic Resources. Oxford: Chandos Publishing.

2008. Yu, Holly, and Scott Breivold, eds. Electronic Resource Management in Libraries: Research and Practice. Information Science Reference. {nb: I wrote a chapter in this one}

2006. Hepfer, Cindy, and Pamela M. Bluh Managing Electronic Resources: Contemporary Problems And Emerging Issues (ALCTS Papers on Library Technical Services and Collections, No. 13.).

2004. Conger, Joan E. Collaborative Electronic Resource Management: From Acquisitions to Assessment Libraries Unlimited.

2000/2005. Gregory, Vicki L. Selecting and Managing Electronic Resources: A How-To-Do-It Manual (How to Do It Manuals for Librarians) Neal Schuman Pub.

2003. Cole, Jim, Wayne Jones, and David C. Fowler. E-Serials Collection Management: Transitions, Trends, and Technicalities. CRC.

2002. Harris, Lesley. Licensing Digital Content: A Practical Guide for Librarians. ALA Editions.

Posted in e-resource mgmt, library, management, usage statistics | 3 Comments

did you know you can buy journal articles on Amazon?

i was doing a quick keyword search for “electronic resource management” on amazon today, to see how many books are available on that topic. i was surprised to see mixed in with the books a link to an article i had written that was available for purchase and download.  did you know that some articles are available online this way?  have you ever purchased one?

Dreams of perfect programs: Managing the acquisition of electronic resources [An article from: Library Collections, Acquisitions and Technical Services] [HTML] (Digital) M.R. Kennedy

screen shot of article

screen shot of article

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