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a year in librarianship

today marks a year that i’ve been a librarian. here are a few things that have surprised me during the year:

  • some of my colleagues are more word-nerdy than i
  • writing collaboratively has given me a new perspective on the peer-review process
  • being the youngest librarian on staff hasn’t been intimidating
  • though i had no ambitions to work at a reference desk, my 2-hour weekly shifts are quite enjoyable
  • i haven’t had to cheerlead my staff to do a solid job; they do it naturally

sounds like it’s been a pretty good year, yes?

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russian nesting bags

it seems that there are two ways to store your plastic grocery bags: all jammed inside a bin or the russian nesting bag way (one bag inside another, inside another, ad infinitum). i prefer the every-bag-for-itself way because when i reach inside our storage bin i am certain to pull out just one bag. by storing them the russian-nesting-doll way it is likely that instead of pulling out just one bag i’ll actually get one bag filled with many other bags, which can be frustrating when i’m in a hurry.

does anyone have a really good way to store plastic grocery bags?

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retaining your rights to self archive, made easy

do you know how wickedly easy it is to retain your rights as an author, in order to self archive articles you have submitted for publication? i set special time aside today in order to buckle down and figure it out, only to discover that all i have to do is submit an addendum with my copyright agreement to the publisher. mit has made one for me, so all i have to do is download the PDF or Word file, fill it out and negotiate from there. here’s a link to the mit site: http://libraries.mit.edu/about/scholarly/copyright-form.html.

thanks for pointing me to the mit link, Open Access News!

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this is how i get into trouble

i was surfing around on the ‘net and came across a website on how to make an “amazing circle” with an image in photoshop. so, of course, i had to stop my surfing and make one. and then i had to sign up for a flickr account in order to upload it, to be part of the “amazing circle” pool. bing, bam, boom, there go two hours of my saturday morning.

make your own “amazing circle.”

see other “amazing circles.”

mushroom ring

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