how to make monday mornings at work less awful

if you’re like me, by the time you roll into work on monday morning you’ve completely forgotten what you did on friday and what your goals were for the upcoming week.  the last thing you want to do first thing on a monday is figure that out.  help yourself!  on friday afternoon, 15 minutes before you leave work, set your monday morning schedule.  i use the calendar in my email program to lay out tasks for myself for the entire day but only commit to completing the ones i’ve set for the morning.  on mondays when i get in to the office i don’t even have to think about what i’m supposed to be doing; i just pop open my calendar and follow my own lead.  try it!

screen shot of my calendar for Monday morning

screen shot of my calendar for Monday morning

Posted in organization tips | 1 Comment

Cinco Library’s Encyclopedia of Numbers

“for thousands of years mathematicians and families have searched for a single volume that could contain all the numbers imaginable.”

rainn wilson talks about the cinco library’s encyclopedia of numbers.

direct link to the video

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the images on the site are mainly good for making a little print for yourself to hang in the office to brighten your day.  if you want a bigger print, check out the paypal link on the main page and i will send you an archival inkjet print.

all of the images on are licensed under creative commons: attribution-noncommercial-share alike 3.0 united states.  that means that you may use, share, or remix anything you find on the site without seeking permission, but you should attribute the original to me and share any remixes with the same kind of license.

as always, feedback and collaboration are welcome.

yellow mushroom

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Australasian Journal of Bone and Joint Medicine

australasian journal of bone and joint medicine

for more about this, see

a wink and a nod to eagledawg for her advice on this comic.

Posted in comic, library, medicine, publishers | 1 Comment

bubble bath, anyone?

imagine this fountain in the atrium of the von der ahe library filled with bubbles and a guy wearing swim trunks, and you have our favorite library prank of 2009. (link to video:

rubber duck in a bubble bath

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The shelves are full

the shelves are full

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