mutter museum

Skulls at Mutter MuseumDave and I finally checked out the Mutter Museum, in Philadelphia.  It’s a museum inside the College of Physicians of Philadelphia, which is housed in a terrifically old and beautiful building.  The museum is full of medical specimens and implements.  They even have the livers of Chang and Eng, the famous conjoined twins.  Our favorite part of the museum was an exhibit called “When the President is the Patient.” 

The museum has a sense of humor about its collection: in their gift shop they have a shot glass with Chang and Eng’s picture, and the phrase, “Make mine a double.”

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the launch of PubDrug

Last week I mentioned that Stewart Brower had proposed an open access pharmacy tool that would replace the usual suspects at point-of-care. Well, he did it! PubDrug is up and running at Be sure to check it out and add your expertise, if what you know is drugs.

Posted in drugs, medicine, OA, wiki | 1 Comment

Doctors turn to Google for tricky cases

Snip from this news article in the Guardian:

The doctors concluded that: “In difficult diagnostic cases, it is often useful. Web-based search engines such as Google are becoming the latest tools in clinical medicine, and doctors in training need to become proficient in their use.”

The news article, which contains a link to a PDF of the BMJ article.

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NLM’s Historical Anatomies

van Spiegel and Cassini's atlasA really great collection of scanned images from historical atlases on anatomy may be viewed at NLM’s site. My favorite atlas is Adriaan van Spiegel and Giulio Casseri’s De humani corporis fabrica libri decem, where the figures are dissected and yet maintain classical sculptural poses.

Posted in art, medicine | 1 Comment

put a little seratonin in me

i saw the “paxilback” video (parody of justin timberlake’s “sexyback”) a couple weeks back and just watched it again; still hilarious.

lyric snip: i’m bringing paxil back. generic brands just don’t know how to act. i popped a couple with a water back. bottomless coffee and a half a pack.

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Well! I just finished reading through a blog post by Dean Giustini that proposes using a wiki to create an open pharmacy tool that could be used at the point of care instead of UpToDate or other commercial products that are crazy expensive and/or may have licensing restrictions that make them less useful than they could be. The idea of beginning a community-developed tool like this is a neat idea, however, it makes me wonder about its potential authoritativeness. Would physicians use a tool like this? If I were a patient, would I want my doctor using a wiki to make decisions about my care?

It looks like people are ready to talk about the idea of such a tool, anyway. Stuart Brower will be conducting a forum on the topic in Buffalo. I’ll be following these discussions with interest!

Posted in drugs, medicine, OA, wiki | 1 Comment