2014 Ingram Coutts Award for Innovation in Electronic Resources Management

I am super pleased to have been selected as the winner of the 2014 Ingram Coutts Award for Innovation in Electronic Resources Management, given annually via the Association for Library Collections & Technical Services (ALCTS) Collection Management Section (CMS). The ALA press release about the award is at http://www.ala.org/news/press-releases/2014/03/marie-kennedy-receives-ingram-coutts-innovation-award. I was nominated by my boss, Charles Hillen, and had letters of support from two of my excellent colleagues, S Ranti Junus and Joseph Kraus. How lucky can a girl get?

I used one of my favorite photographs for the press release.

Marie holding her Yay flag

My library wrote a congratulatory blog post: http://lmulibrary.typepad.com/lmu-library-news/2014/03/lmu-librarian-receives-national-award-congrats-marie.html.

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COUNTER Marketing Committee

I’m extending my work with the international usage statistics standard group, COUNTER. In addition to my post on the Executive Committee today I’m joining the Marketing Committee. Here’s a picture of me, ready for my first conference call into the group! Contact me if you’ve got suggestions for things/messages/training opportunities you’d like to see the committee put together for librarians, especially related to the latest release of the standard.

It's Marie!

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Ooh look, I’m ACRL’s Member of the Week!

Marie is ACRL Member of the Week!











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monkey endpapers


Found via http://instagram.com/p/hPcFwZn8jY/#. The Art Center Library James Lemont Fogg Memorial Library at Art Center College of Design has a pretty sweet Instagram account.

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Walking the Walk: Starting Up and Cultivating Two Open Access Journals in LIS

Joe Kraus and I gave a presentation at the recent Electronic Resources & Libraries conference. We had great audience participation and really enjoyed talking to attendees about impetus and workflow issues. Here are our slides from the presentation:

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Oh Past Self, Come Here and Let Me Kick You in the Shins

Here are the slides from a recent presentation I gave at the Electronic Resources & Libraries conference with the marvelous Anna Creech and Kristi DeShazo.

Abstract: Notes. We put them everywhere, in order records, item records, database records, etc. They tell us how to process something, mark historical decisions, and guide us in our next steps. We would be lost without them, and yet they’re typically unformatted, by-the-seat-of-your-pants kind of information.
This session explores the theme of ‘notes’ from several perspectives as librarians who use different e-resource management systems talk about what kinds of notes they make, where they put them, and what their uses are.


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