exhibits hall opens tonight

stay tuned tomorrow for updates about exciting products or other developments, as described by the vendors here at the medical library association conference.

i thought i should mention, before i started blogging about the things i’ll be seeing in the exhibits hall, that by writing about a particular product i am in no way endorsing it, suggesting you buy it, or telling you that i’ve bought it. think of me as a shopping guide with no personal agenda. okay? now that we’ve cleared that up, get ready for posts beginning tomorrow about the latest and greatest in the world of academic medical products, publications, and the like. oh yes, there may also be photos.

Posted in exhibits hall, MLA 2008, publishers | 2 Comments

today is Virtual Library Legislative Day

I’m the chair of the Government Relations & Bylaws committee for the Medical Library Group of Southern California & Arizona and am on a few e-mail lists as a result, keeping me informed of what’s going on in our government related to libraries.  When I see something relevant for medical librarians I direct our Group to take action.  Most of the actions we take are at a grass roots level and are mainly about having our voice heard as librarians.  It’s all good stuff.  If you too want to stay informed in a  non-in-your-face way, consider adding ALA’s District Dispatch blog to your feed reader.

Occasionally I’ll point our Group to take action on a topic more broad than medical libraries.  Today is such a day.  It is Virtual Library Legislative Day.  If you’re a librarian or a library lover (or a librarian lover for that matter), consider participating.  Go to ALA’s Take Action site, type in your zip code, and send your congressional reps a little note to let them know you value libraries.

legislative day logo

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found in mentalfloss store

med school in a box
med school in a box

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