my weekend to-do list

1. review cdwa-lite
2. take survey on said schema to offer feedback and suggestions
3. grill a hotdog
4. drink a beer

it is a long weekend due to the memorial day holiday, after all.

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the danglebirds are back!

have you seen these around l.a.? i spied one yesterday at 4th and rose, in venice, and thought my eyes were deceiving me; it’s orange! but then this morning, at westminster and abbot kinney, i saw another one; a red one! i thought they were all yellow. i’m happy to see them again, and the vibrant colors are very nice.


(image snagged from metroblogging. read the post there about the danglebirds and the artist who makes them)

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time for reflection speeds by

dealing with a frantic med student today reminded me to schedule more time for myself; quality quiet time. i’ve been writing notes to myself of topics to consider for writing a new article, but haven’t given myself the opportunity to sit with those notes and decide which topic to tackle first. time for reflection is such a critical component of my writing process but it is always the first thing i schedule on top of.

midyear resolution: schedule appointments with myself to just sit and think.

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i’ll soon be attending my first medical library conference (medical library association) and was assigned a conference mentor, one who has been to an mla conference before and is willing to guide a newbie. i have been to conferences before and can certainly navigate on my own, but it’s a nice touch that mla would foresee that some may need help. i appreciate that the organization wants to make one’s first mla a pleasant and full experience.

i would say that overall the field of library and information science is good about mentoring. in a previous life i had expectations of working as an educator in the field of fine art, in photography, but i never found a true community there. the field of photography is more insulated and about individual success, whereas library and information science seems to be pushing forward a communal goal. do you agree?

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increase the n

oh boy, i have just the thing to perk you up this friday.  here’s a snippet of lyrics from the song by hefe, “increase the ‘n'”:

there’s a trend but the error is big
increase the N
the rat’s no good use the guinea pig
increase the N
the antibody’s weak the background high
increase the N
my P value is bigger than pi
increase the N

see?  don’t you feel better?  here’s a link to the rest of the lyrics: ,
and the song at hefe’s myspace page:

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