Cycling Through

Here’s a video of a monkey reading the abstract of the paper I’ll be presenting at the upcoming Library Assessment conference. The title of the paper is “Cycling Through: Paths Libraries Take to Marketing Electronic Resources.”

direct link to video:

Posted in e-resource mgmt, library, monkeys/bananas, video, writing | 1 Comment

Alexander Street Press is doing it right

how does a company use social networking tools to its advantage, to let customers know their concerns have been heard? like this:

my tweet

My tweet about our ASP resources suddenly working via the proxy server

their tweet response

ASP tweets a response

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botanicals as touchstones for classification concepts

Lyn Robinson, Mike McGuire, “The rhizome and the tree: changing metaphors for information organisation”, Journal of Documentation, Vol. 66 Iss: 4, pp.604 – 613

DOI: 10.1108/00220411011052975

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It’s perfect, except

It's perfect, except

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it’s the simple things: resource records and html

we’re in the process of filling out resource records for our electronic resources in our NEW e-resource management system, innovative’s erm. we discovered a neat thing yesterday: html code can be entered into the back end and it displays properly in the opac. it’s a small thing really, but we’re so pleased. </geek>

here’s a screen shot of the back end of the database, where we enter the data (and now, html code!):
back end of erm screen shot

and a screen shot of how it appears in our public catalog (note the live links are underlined):
opac screen shot

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Six Flags and my house

it’s summer and the six flags commercials are in full force. a couple summers ago my dad called me from texas and said, “i think i just saw your house in a six flags commercial.” he was right! check it out!

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