a thorough article on how to review a manuscript

Rosenfeld, R. M. (2010). How to review journal manuscripts. Otolaryngol. Head Neck Surg., 142(4), 472-486. http://www.editorialmanager.com/otohns/accounts/Howtoreview.pdf

In answering the question of how much time to devote to performing a review, on p.473 he notes that, “Reviewers should not, however, devote excessive time, because spending more than three hours, on average, does not increase review quality as rated by editors and authors.”

Wondering about what to do with the awful typos or poor grammar? He suggests on p.483 that, “In general, the reviewer should not waste his or her time with extensive language corrections, which are the responsibility of the copy editors once a manuscript is accepted.” [original author’s emphasis]

This article presents a clear overview of the components of a manuscript review and offers suggestions for how to provide specific feedback to both the author and editor.

Highly recommend.

thanks to @qualintitative for alerting me to this!

About Marie Kennedy

Putting everything into neat piles.
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