npr reports on searching the internet for health info

i was frustrated while listening to npr’s report this morning on patients turning to the internet for health information.  the report focused on how confusing and stressful it is for people to search on the ‘net for health information, and how people don’t know which information to trust.  i waited for the report to give some practical advice to their listeners like, “start at,” or, “call your local medical librarian,” or, “here’s some clues the web site you’re looking at can be trusted,” but they didn’t.  *sigh*

About Marie Kennedy

Putting everything into neat piles.
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2 Responses to npr reports on searching the internet for health info

  1. Mark says:

    While we may not have been mentioned on air, at least the web site link you provided does have a breakout paragraph called “Evaluating Medical Information Online,” with links to two MLANET pages. Was this added after some complaints? Or was it there originally?

  2. MK says:

    wow, maybe i missed the mla links! my faith in npr is restored! i should have known they wouldn’t let me down.

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