

Summary: Online storage tool that synchronize your files across multiple computers.  How can a synchronization system be considered an organizational tool?  I don’t have to remember where I put my thumb drive, remember to bring home my external hard drive, or email myself any files.  Time saved = organization!

Review and how-to: http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/dropbox-review-invites-and-7-questions-with-the-founder/

Here’s a link from the cogscilibrarian to a document she wrote and shared with a class via Dropbox.

personal notes: I’ve been testing Dropbox while writing my latest article. I have a PC at work, a Mac desktop at home, along with a Dell Mini laptop. I installed Dropbox on all machines and have been working on my article at whichever computer I happen to be in front of at the time, all without a flash drive or emailing myself files. In my Dropbox for this article I was working with the programs Excel, SPSS, and Word.  Dropbox allows me to save those files in their native formats, no conversions necessary.

About Marie Kennedy

Putting everything into neat piles.
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2 Responses to Dropbox

  1. Yidoo says:

    Scott wants to know if Dropbox is a web based thing. Sounds handy!

  2. Yidoo says:

    Disregard last comment, sorry. Didn’t read the link till after I’d sent it. Duh!

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