if you use pubmed, check out this new article organizational program

i just downloaded the preview version of “papers” on my mac at home. wow, what a cool program. it opens like itunes, organizes like itunes, but instead of organizing music it organizes articles you retrieve from pubmed. you can read the pdfs of the articles right inside “papers,” without having to pop open adobe acrobat. you can even jot little notes to yourself within the program that are then attached to the article file. the program is still buggy, as the developers note on the website (http://mekentosj.com/papers/), but it’s going to be a fantastic program when it’s done. the description of the program says that if you put in predefined search terms it will automatically download new articles that fit those terms, as they are published; what a nice way to stay on top of what is being published, all within one program.

thanks to open access news for pointing me to this program! 

About Marie Kennedy

Putting everything into neat piles.
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