World Health Day

World Health Day logoToday is World Health Day. An issues paper posted at the WHO site notes the following as key issues you may wish to consider regarding the theme of this year’s World Health Day, international health security:

  • emerging diseases
  • economic stability
  • international crises and humanitarian emergencies
  • chemical, radioactive and biological terror threats
  • environmental change
  • AIDS – provoking the health and security debate
  • building health security
  • strengthening health systems

The aim of the paper is to “spark global debate” (p.20), but it also makes me consider where I fit into the discussion. I like to think that, in some very small way, by doing the kind of work that I do, I contribute to the issue surrounding strengthening health systems. That is all. May you each have a healthy day.

About Marie Kennedy

Putting everything into neat piles.
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