journal lists go to departments this week

about a month ago i mentioned that we were in the midst of preparing our journal lists to send to the academic departments on campus.  thanks to comments from @gohomekiki , the lists we made this year are much improved.  we swapped journal lists and got good feedback from each other on how to improve our respective excel files.  i’ll paste a screen shot here of what the newest version of our list looks like (prices removed).  for the screen shot i chose a title list from a teeny tiny fund so it would all fit on one screen.  we’ve colored the cells where we ask for feedback with that turquoise color, to make it easier for the department liaison to follow.  ooh, and do you see how nice our header is?  we totally stole that from @gohomekiki.  i’m all for improving the lists for next year, so if you’ve got feedback then please leave a comment.  if you want feedback on the way you format your own lists, send me a sample via email.

About Marie Kennedy

Putting everything into neat piles.
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