Amazon author page

Our new book is being sold through Amazon and other booksellers, in addition via the publisher, Neal-Schuman. I created an author page at Amazon, which you’ll see when you land on the web page for our book (author info is at the bottom). You could peruse the author page on its own, as well: It’s a nice promotional feature, I think, being able to see more about the author of a book you’re considering buying. I wonder why our publisher doesn’t have such a thing? Guess I’ll drop them a note next week and ask them to consider adding it.
Marie's Amazon author page

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first book review

Here’s a snippet from the first review of our new book, Marketing Your Library’s Electronic Resources: A how-to-do-it manual, via Michelle Dalton at

For those completely new to the area however, this is certainly a book that will serve as a useful toolkit from start to finish – if there is such a thing as a finish in marketing!

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Announcing a photo contest where you win stuff: “You with our book”

Because it’s summer! Because contests are fun! Because making photographs is a blast!

You have several options for how to submit your photo for consideration:

  1. Take a picture of yourself with our book, Marketing Your Library’s Electronic Resources: A How-To-Do-It Manual for Librarians (
    Share your photo on twitter and either alert me via @orgmonkey or use the hashtag #mariekennedyfanclub
    Post a photo to your own Instagram or flickr account and tag it with #mariekennedyfanclub
    Upload a photo to the photo pool, “You with our book” at
  2. ???
  3. Profit!

DEADLINE: Share or upload your photo by the end of the ALA Annual Conference, July 2 to be considered for the prize.

If you have a personal copy, or have found the book in your library, that’s awesome! If you don’t have a copy yet you can visit the ALA Store in the conference hall (BOOTH 1224, right in the middle of the exhibition area) and borrow their copy (or buy one for yourself!) to make your picture.

Upload now, upload later, it doesn’t matter. Just be sure to submit your photo by July 2!

The BEST photo (totally subjective) of someone with our book wins an awesome Organization Monkey apron: 3 runners up get small prints of one of my photos (


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slow, quick, quick

Classes are over for this academic semester, grades are in, and now it’s time to … WORK FAST. During the semester we try to keep our e-resources as stable as possible, so that students have the same experience every time they use a resource. Think of it as a slooooow dance step. When the students are no longer engaged in research our e-resources staff move quick, quick, to make any needed changes to platforms, URLs, and title lists. We’ve only got one week before the summer session begins.

rumba diagram
image found at

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Q: want to know the nitty gritty history of your new committee/group?

A: review their web presence, realize it is outdated and not currently organized, and spearhead the revision of said web presence.


A2: slowly realize the amount of work you’ve agreed to coordinate. sigh, get started.

A3: affirm that the members of your committee/group are fantastic and quite helpful during the crowd-sourced revision process.

A4: celebrate that you are really, truly now part of the committee/group.


P.S. The NISO SUSHI work room will soon look different than it does now. 🙂

hand shake

(sweet image found at

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boy, do i ever love expandable folders

look at these awesome folder-pocket-file thingies. there’s so much potential space in them! and they keep my articles-to-read that i lug from one place to another tidy, in order, uncrumpled.

expandable pocket

i do only have two new ones at the moment. perhaps i need more. does the office supply store staples have gift certificates? if so, my birthday is in july.


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