i’m an omnivore without a dilemma

the pew internet & american life project quiz says i’m an omnivore. i believe the report. take the quiz yourself to see how you fit into the techno-world.

brief description of an omnivore:

Omnivores embrace all this connectivity, feeling confident in how they manage information and their many devices. This puts information technology at the center of how they express themselves, do their jobs, and connect to their friends.

only 8% of the american public are omnivores. if you take the quiz and find that you are an omnivore, please leave a comment on this blog. we should friend each other on facebook, follow each other on twitter, or hook up on meebo. (*snicker*)

Posted in social networking | 2 Comments

ala’s e-government services wiki

this is mainly a note to myself to explore later, but i don’t want to be greedy.  you may also like to have a look at the american library association’s e-government services wiki.

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mla 2008 blogging

Learn More about MLA 2008

Do you ever wonder what goes on in a conference exhibition area, other than all the free pens and t-shirts? Acquisitions librarians use national conferences like this to meet with vendors, see new products, and connect with business colleagues. Follow this blog during MLA 2008 (May 17, 18, 19) to learn what I’m learning. I’ll point you to new publications and products that satisfy an academic medical library’s needs. I may upload photos of swag also, so get ready.

During MLA I’ll be writing as an Official MLA Conference Blogger.

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a monkey for your iphone

i’ve had the flu for the past few days (i’m doing much better now, thanks) so i parked myself in front of the mac and played around with a bunch of blog themes and extenders. coding has a calming effect on me. i found that i prefer the current orgmonkey theme to other downloadable options out there, so this little guy will stay as is for the time being. i waded around in extenders and activated two treats for my fellow iphone users.

  1. if you view this site on your iphone you’ll now see it has a different look, and loads without a bunch of graphics. if you miss the old version, fear not. scroll to the bottom of the page and click, “normal view.”
  2. the main screen on your iphone is called the springboard. want to add a clickable icon on your springboard that goes directly to orgmonkey.net? while you’re browsing orgmonkey on your iphone, click the plus sign (+) at the bottom of your screen, and then choose “Add to Home Screen.” the next time you go to your springboard you’ll see a monkey face that links you directly to the website. have fun.
  3. iphone springboard with orgmonkey icon

(original screen grab from katielips)

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photographs added to sidebar

i realize that most of you follow this blog via a feed reader, and as a result you’re missing the new flickr badge (rotating photo goodness!) in the sidebar of my main blog page. so sad! find the photographs at http://www.flickr.com/photos/orgmonkey.

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