social networking software survey

as i mentioned yesterday, the task force on social networking software i’m on is posting its first survey. if you’re a member of the medical library association, please consider participating. the online survey may be found at .

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web 2.0 = taking back the web

the phrase “web 2.0” is still mysterious to some, but i like to think of it as “taking back the web.” since the bust, the internet has been being rebuilt as a friendlier place, a social place, where the exchange of ideas and innovations aren’t necessarily tied to money-making ventures. all kinds of tools to assist communication via the web are being constructed. indeed, it is a very exciting time to be involved in the business of information exchange. i am pleased to be a member of a new task force for the medical library association, the “task force on social networking software,” created by the incoming president, mark funk. i’ll be posting here along the way, while the task force (the sntf, if you’re part of the in-crowd {p.s. if you’re reading this post, you’re officially part of the in-crowd}) determines how best to harness these social tools for use by the medical library community. we’ll be posting surveys and generally taking the pulse of how our community is using existing social tools. stay tuned, and feel free to leave comments.

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