yep, these are cute

mini monkey milk bottles

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“disorganization relief” candle

I suspect the creator of the “disorganization relief” candle reads my blog.

“Bestow on me the faith to store reports and correspondence on my computer and not keep copies piled under my desk just in case.”

Awesome. Get your own daily icon candles at

Candle Catalog-everyday icons humorous votive candles

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An Irish monkey blessing for you in 2011

An Irish monkey blessing for you in 2011

see more of my monkey comics over at

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baby monkey (going backwards on a pig)

thanks, @eagledawg!

Posted in monkeys/bananas, titter | 2 Comments

Santa and the IRB

Applicant: K. Kringle
IRB Chair: E. Scrooge

item #7 brings the LOLs

seen on twitter:

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