an “interesting” challenge

i’ve noticed that the word interesting is beginning to increasingly creep into the conversations i have with my friends. “that article on metadata is interesting,” or “her new hairstyle is interesting.” when i hear someone else say it i usually ask, “what is it about x that you find interesting?” because without qualification the word is kind of a meaningless space filler. it doesn’t really tell you what the person really thinks. it reminds me of the undergrads i would lead in photography critiques, in which they would try to get away with describing someone’s photo with, “i like it.”

i’m challenging myself to eliminate the word interesting from my vocabulary for one day, just to see for myself how much i use it and if i can come up with more, um, interesting words instead. do you overuse the word interesting? join me in the challenge.

About Marie Kennedy

Putting everything into neat piles.
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