take-no-prisoners organization

in three months we will be moving to a brand new library, currently being built on our campus (link to the latest set of pictures of the construction progress). there are all kinds of decisions that need to be made on a seemingly hourly basis at this point in the planning. as the serials & e-resources librarian, i’m coordinating a plan for how the print periodicals may be handled in the new library. i’m approaching this as a team effort since so many people have a hand in the workflows associated with periodicals. we’re a bit pressed for time and suddenly don’t seem to have enough people on staff to manage all the details. i’m tempted to start handing tasks to whomever walks by my office, even if he doesn’t work here. 🙂

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what i’m reading now

Cultural competence: A conceptual framework for library and information science professionals
Patricia Montiel Overall
Library Quarterly, 79(2): 175-204

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tweets of the week: monkey

i subscribe to an rss feed for a search of twitter for the word monkey (http://search.twitter.com/search?q=monkey). here are the best tweets of the week (by best i mean they amuse me):

Let’s turn that Shakespeare thing and turn it upside down. “If you had a million Shakespeares, could they write like a monkey?” —SmokinMonkey (E.R.Murrow)

When I have pets, I’m gonna have a cat named Monkey, and a dog named Moo —Jerry520 (Jerry)

Venti Americano – check. Code monkey ready for takeoff. —tonistockton (Toni Stockton)

hellllllooooooooooooo!!! I’m a monkey!! —Handkuffer (Steve Davison-Smith)

Posted in monkeys/bananas, twitter | 2 Comments

social networking explanation service

ha! my pals over at archie mcphee have a new product out called the “social networking explanation service.” it’s designed for those of you that are getting tired of explaining what facebook, blogs, and twitter are all about.  buy this service and have a 10-year old child explain for you!  i think this is a steal at $100.

social networking explanation service from the archie mcphee online store

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i’m just getting started exploring methodspace, “… the home of the Research Methods community from across the world.”  it’s a social networking site run by sage publications.  i have a weakness for sage’s skinny green pamphlet series, quantitative applications in the social sciences, so a networking site devoted to research methods is right up my alley.  i signed up for my account and will be checking out the nooks and crannies on the site.

are there librarians out there that would be interested in using this site as a space to talk about what research methods you’re using in your own projects and to get feedback on how to do our research better?  if so, leave a comment here.  if there’s enough interest i’ll start a group on the site devoted to libraries and we can go from there.  also, if you register at the site, add me as a connection: http://www.methodspace.com/profile/MarieKennedy

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iphone + evernote = paperless traveling

back in november i made a driving trip from los angeles to napa and decided to try it as my first paperless trip.  i used evernote on my iphone and dell mini laptop to store driving directions, maps, and emailed my evernote account with hotel confirmations and other details that i would normally have printed out.  it worked beautifully!  i forgot to tell you the best part, though.  when i got home from my trip i had an email waiting for me from evernote, asking how my trip was.  i called them and we talked about how i had used the service.  at that point the software was so new they hadn’t heard of anyone using evernote for paperless travel.  neat!  first!

i had a trip to seattle a couple weeks ago and went paperless again, using evernote as my traveling brain.  i uploaded my flight and hotel confirmation, shuttle confirmation, daily conference schedule, and a bus map to get me to archie mcphee.  i had my laptop with me so sometimes i would check my daily schedule there, and sometimes i would check it on the iphone.  not having to fumble around my bag for stray important bits of paper is so nice.

if traveling light and paperless is your idea of a good way to travel, consider using evernote.  it works on the mac, pc, and iphone.

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