checking access to electronic resources

one of the difficulties in managing electronic resources is that we never see them. because we never see them we don’t know when there are access problems like a broken link, a missing issue, or a change in holdings. to help us manage these hidden resources we’ve decided to create a check-in record for each of our electronic journal titles, just like we do for our print journals. when we activate the check-in record we can tell it how frequently to prompt us to check access. we’ve decided that for our 50 most used titles we will check access two times a year, and for all other titles we will check access once a year. by checking access we intend to use the url from our catalog record to go to the resource and download a pdf from the earliest available issue and the most recent issue, and also check to see that our holdings are accurate (we have access to what we say we have access to).

creating a check-in record for the electronic journal takes about two minutes for each title. based on the size of our current e-journal collection, we anticipate checking access to about 55 titles a week. we plan to have a student worker do the initial check, and if there are any problems or questions a full-time staff member will review the title and take action for corrections.

this project was spurred by amanda yesilba’s 2006 nasig presentation, “old is new again: using established workflows to handle electronic resources.”

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my new article is available online

… and it is a featured article in this month’s Informed Librarian Online. joy! one of the ways i stay current with the literature is by reading ILO, so i’m pleased to be noticed by them.

citation info: KENNEDY, MR. 2007. “Is Our CD/DVD Collection Worth All This? A Cost-Per-Use Study of Accompanying Materials.” Journal of Academic Librarianship 33(5): 586-592.

abstract: This research reports on a study designed to quantify the time and monies spent on cataloging and processing texts with accompanying materials. The study was designed to address a need for data to assist in collection development and workflow decisions.

Posted in writing | 4 Comments

turkey safety

to stuff or not to stuff?; this is the question of the season.  check out this government food safety web site for your other turkey cooking questions.  if you gotta have your answer pronto, call the butterball hotline: 1-800-butterball. 

wishing all organization monkey readers a healthy and happy thanksgiving!

Posted in food | 1 Comment

link to 2 smart monkeys site

maybe if they see i’ve linked to them they’ll send me a free t-shirt, from one monkey to another.  if they do decide to send me a t-shirt, i would like this one.

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now that is an organized monkey!

Cloned monkey stem cells produced

Researchers have for the first time created cloned primate embryos and used them to make embryonic stem-cell lines.

link to the Nature article on the topic

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